SocialVisions - Photography for Social Change
SocialVisions e.V. is a non-profit association that encourages people to communicate creatively through visual art. Specialising in delivering community photography projects, SocialVisions organizes educational workshops and trainings and works on developing public exhibitions, participatory websites and image-based materials (cartoons, books) in order to create visual stories on social issues. Active in the fields of community building, public art, intercultural exchange, capacity building and advocacy, SocialVisions works with individuals and partner organizations in Germany, Middle East and North Africa to create collaborative participatory programmes in which socially or traditionally marginalized or disadvantaged participants are encouraged to generate their own visual art work in order to share their life experiences and the issues that affect them. SocialVisions promotes a culture of non-violence, peace and tolerance by enabling an environment for dialogue and the ability to accept different points of view as well as the importance of diversity. Cultural literacy – understanding the others – is the foundation for more inclusive and tolerant societies. SocialVisions is membership-based and relies on project-based funding and volunteers to perform project work all over the world. In recent years, SocialVisions has run several participatory photography projects in the Middle East and North Africa.
ON THE MOVE - So nah, so fern
Bashar Oudeh , Raam-Alabdulkarim, Mouhammad Archoukieh, Morad Al-Deeb, Lava Hesso, Hewa Ibrahim
Die Selbstportraits der Fotogruppe ON THE MOVE präsentiert sieben syrische Jugendliche, die in den vergangenen Jahren nach Potsdam gekommen sind.
Berlin, 2017
On the Move
Neuruppin:, Elita, Khadisht, Khava, Madina, Pirdoz, Rayana , Potsdam:, Bashar, Hewa, Lava , Mohanad, Morad, Mouhammad, Raam
Das partizipative Fotoprojekt ON THE MOVE lud geflüchtete Jugendliche aus dem Land Brandenburg ein, ihre eigenen Geschichten in Bildern zu erzählen. Im Rahmen einer mehrere Monate dauernden Workshop-Reihe fand ein Fotoworkshop mit zugewanderten Jugendlichen in Potsdam sowie ein Fotoworkshop mit zugewanderten Mädchen und jungen Frauen in Neuruppin statt.
Brandenburg, 2017